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How to budget for your final year of school, first as new practitioner How to budget for your final year of school, first as new practitioner

How to budget for your final year of school, first as new practitioner

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Making the leap from student to new practitioner is exciting—and expensive. The transition can feel like a financial whirlwind, where one-time expenses hit and income is unpredictable, creating a perfect storm of financial stress. But there’s good news: With proper planning, you can ease the burden and set yourself up for financial success.


The importance of financial wellness

Student pharmacists are asked to do a lot. From helping volunteer in community health fairs and wellness events to making sure medications are made and delivered on time, all while learning the core competencies to become a licensed pharmacist. Students hear, see, and may even be experiencing stress and burnout that can lead to failing to take the necessary steps to address and take care of our physical and mental health and well-being. One area though that is not always mentioned in these conversations is financial well-being.

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