APhA-ASP Operation Immunization

Recognizing the need for education and increased opportunities to receive immunizations, the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) and the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) collaboratively developed Operation Immunization. This was the first service project of this magnitude in the history of APhA or SNPhA. This program is an immunization education campaign designed to increase the public's knowledge of immunizations while raising the number of adults and children receiving immunizations. Participants include all of the APhA-ASP chapters with the help of trained practitioners and other healthcare professionals trained and certified to give immunizations.
While Operation Immunization is designed to benefit the public, your college campus is a great place to begin raising immunization rates and increasing awareness. Currently, the American College of Physicians recommends that annual influenza vaccine should be required for every healthcare worker with direct patient activities. These vaccines can effectively be given throughout the year and will prevent more than 50,000 deaths alone. APhA-ASP encourages participants to continually increase community awareness of immunization information and advise patients on where they can obtain the proper immunizations year-round.
Operation Immunization National Liaison: Heather Faulkner (hdfaulkner0504@email.campbell.edu)
Program Results
Operation Immunization was launched as an official APhA-ASP National Patient Care project in 1997. Since that time, over 1.4 million individuals have an immunization through the Operation Immunization campaign. The 2022-2023 campaign had the following results:
- 116 chapters participated
- 8,221 student pharmacists participated
- 555 faculty and staff members participated
- 657 pharmacists participated
- 96,508 patients immunized
- 24,482 patients immunized for COVID-19
- 68,241 patients immunized for influenza
- 26,084 patients received health and wellness services
- 3,285,803 individuals reached through public relations initiatives
Online Resources
Operation Immunization Award Report & Recognition
APhA-ASP recognizes each chapter that implements an Operation Immunization program in their community. One Chapter from each of the eight APhA-ASP regions are recognized during Mid-Year Regional Meetings. In addition, the eight regional winners, along with one national winner, and two national runners-up are recognized during the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition at the APhA-ASP Opening General Session and in Student Pharmacist magazine.