
Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services

Activity Preview

Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services is an innovative and interactive advanced competency training (ACT) program that explores the pharmacist’s role in providing travel health services to patients. This application-based activity is the first step for pharmacists interested in learning the essential skills necessary to successfully provide travel health services.

This program will be offered at APhA2025 in Nashville, TN on Friday, March 21st from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM. For more details and to register click here.

Other live offerings

Activity Type: Application-based 
Target Audience: Pharmacists who have completed the APhA Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery certificate training program and received a Certificate of Achievement or have previously completed an immunization training program and are authorized to provide immunizations in the state in which they practice.
Learning Level: Level 3 - Substantial knowledge of and experience in the subject area of immunization is required, no prior knowledge in travel health is required.

Goals and Learning Objectives

  • Provide pharmacists with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to establish and deliver a successful travel health service
  • Teach pharmacists to identify at-risk patient populations in need of preventative and travel care
  • Enhance pharmacists' ability to effectively counsel patients on travel health
  • Motivate increased numbers of pharmacists to establish travel health services

Self-Study Learning Objectives

At the completion of the self-study program, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe the extent of U.S. travel abroad and the incidence of morbidity and mortality in travelers.
  • Identify key factors that determine travelers’ health risk including: mode of transportation; destination; duration and season of travel; purpose of travel; standards of lodgings, food hygiene, and sanitation; lifestyle or behavior of the traveler; and underlying health of the traveler and pharmacotherapies used. 
  • Describe the common diseases and other health problems encountered by international travelers.
  • Evaluate vaccines and medications commonly used in travel health.
  • Evaluate travel health issues of special populations including: pregnant/nursing mothers; infants/children; travelers with significant underlying medical conditions; disabled travelers; students studying abroad; humanitarian/relief workers; families adopting internationally; and people visiting friends and relatives abroad.
  • Identify appropriate travel health resources for patients and health care providers.
  • Summarize the signs and symptoms of travel-related illnesses.

Live Seminar Learning Objectives

At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Distinguish the information necessary to obtain from patients to conduct a quality travel health risk assessment.
  • Explain elements of a 20-minute pre-travel consultation in the community pharmacy setting.
  • Demonstrate appropriate health risk communication and management for international travelers.
  • Justify the use and timing of vaccinations to prevent diseases associated with travel to certain geographic regions.
  • Select appropriate prescription, over-the-counter, and ancillary prophylactic and therapeutic products related to travel health.

Accreditation Information 

The American Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services program is  approved for a total of 10.0 contact hours of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credit (1.0 CEUs). The ACPE Universal Activity Numbers (UAN) for this activity are listed below.

  • Successful completion of the self-study component involves passing the self-study assessment with a grade of 70% or higher and will result in 6 hours (0.6 CEU) of continuing pharmacy education credit.  ACPE UAN 0202-0000-24-174-H06-P
  • Successful completion of the live seminar component involves attending the full live seminar, passing the final assessment with a grade of 70% or higher, and completing the online evaluation. Successful completion of this component will result in for 4 hours (0.4 CEU) of continuing pharmacy education credit. ACPE UAN 0202-0000-24-175-L06-P / 0202-9999-24-175-L06-P

To obtain 10 contact hours of CPE credit (1.0 CEUs) for APhA's Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services advanced competency program, the learner must successfully complete all components listed above, and CLAIM credit for each component. Learners will need to have a valid APhA ( username and password, as well as a CPE Monitor account to claim credit. After credit has been claimed, please visit CPE monitor for your transcript. The Certificate of Completion will be available online upon successful completion of the necessary activity requirements on the learner’s My Training page on

APhA's continuing pharmacy education policy provides you with two opportunities to successfully complete the continuing pharmacy education assessment. Please note that you will not be permitted to submit the assessment a third time. The current policy of the APhA Education Department is not to release the correct answers to any of our CPE tests. This policy is intended to maintain the integrity of the CPE activity and the assessment.

Release Date: February 16, 2024
Expiration Date: February 16, 2027 - PLEASE NOTE: NO Home Study credit granted after this date; Live Credit can only be granted within 60 days from the day of the seminar attended.


Pharmacy-Based Travel Health Services was developed by the American Pharmacists Association and originally supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics during the development. APhA would also like to acknowledge Walgreens for its initial financial contribution to the original development of this advanced competency training.  Copyright © 2021 by the American Pharmacists Association.

Acknowledgements and Disclosures

Advisory Board
  • Jeff Goad, Pharm.D., MPH, FAPhA, FISTM, FCPhA, FCSHP (Advisory Board Chair)
    Professor & Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
    Chapman University School of Pharmacy
    Irvine, CA
    Disclosures: Merck Vaccines – Speakers Bureau; Consultant - Travax
  • Karl Hess, Pharm.D., APh, CTH, FCPhA, FAPhA, AFTM RCPS (Glasg)
    Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
    Director of Community Pharmacy Practice Innovations
    Chapman University School of Pharmacy
    Irvine, CA  
    Disclosures: Merck Vaccines – Speakers Bureau
  • Dennis Stanley, BPharm
    Vaccine and Travel Health Specialist
    Certificate in Travel Health, ISTM
    Publix Supermarket Pharmacy
    Richmond, VA
    Disclosures: Merck Vaccines – Speakers Bureau
APhA Staff Members
  • Bronhed Shaw, Associate Director, Advanced Training

The original publication was prepared by Judy Crespi Lofton, MS, of JCL Communications, on behalf of APhA.

  • Jeff Goad, PharmD, MPH, FCPhA, FCSHP is a speaker for Merck Vaccine.
  • All other individuals involved in the development of this material declare no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this activity, including grants, employment, gifts, stock holdings, and honoraria.  For complete APhA staff disclosures, please see the Education and Accreditation Information section at  
  • The material presented here does not necessarily reflect the views of the American Pharmacists Association. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein at the time of writing; however, owing to the nature of pharmacy practice, standards and recommendations change regularly. Pharmacists are advised to verify all information and data before treating patients or employing the practices described in this educational activity.

System Requirements

Computer and Internet access is required to complete this activity.  Please visit our website to view the Technology System Requirements to have a positive learning experience.
