
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

The real 'Heather'
Kranthi Chinthamalla
/ Categories: Student Magazine

The real 'Heather'

'Heather' is also now known as Kristi Fritch, PharmD, MBA.

Over the past year, I have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to share my experiences on rotation as a final-year student pharmacist. Since my year on rotation has come to an end, it is now time for me to take the off the mask, metaphorically of course, and share my true identity. My name is Kristi Fritch and I am a brand-new pharmacist! 

I recently graduated from Belmont University College of Pharmacy and served on the 2019–20  Communications Standing Committee. Thank you so much for a great year. I have enjoyed getting to document my experiences and reflect on the valuable preceptor feedback. 

Throughout our time together, I have discussed serving through the highs and lows, managing expectations, empathizing with patients, maintaining resiliency, and powering through a pandemic. What a formative year! APPEs give you a glimpse into what the profession can truly offer. At times, it can be challenging to navigate, but make sure you reach out to others for guidance along the way. 

New pharmacist on the block

Since I last checked in, I graduated virtually with my PharmD and MBA. Unfortunately, due to COVID–19, our hooding ceremony was postponed. However, our class made the most of the situation through several virtual graduation celebrations. In the meantime, I have been studying for the NAPLEX and MPJE. Again, this has been such an interesting time to experience these milestone moments. Let’s just say that wearing a mask during the most important exam of your life is quite the curveball. 

Nevertheless, I am still so grateful for the opportunity to obtain licensure and move forward into my PGY1. I recently started my new residency at HCA Healthcare in Nashville, TN, and am excited to make a deeper connection between the corporate and clinical components of pharmacy practice.  

Be strong and take heart 

Student pharmacists, be strong and take heart! I know these are unprecedented times and it can be challenging to stay positive, but the ability to remain open-minded and persevere is essential as an essential healthcare worker. Over the next year, your experiences may continue to look a bit different than in the past, but you are shaping the future of health care and the profession. I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences! If you ever need advice or encouragement, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am available on all major social media platforms as @rxtakeheart. 

Thank you again for following along over the past year! I hope “Heather’s” diary helps you navigate your rotations. Also, special thanks to Tom English, the editor of Student Pharmacist, and 2019–20 “CommComm” for some of the best memories of my student pharmacist journey. 

Take Heart. 

Kristi Fritch, PharmD, MBA, is a PGY1 Pharmacy Resident at HCA Healthcare in Nashville, TN.

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