
Tips from the Field: Providing Pharmacy-based Immunization Services in a Pandemic

Tips From the Field provides a resource for pharmacists and pharmacy teams to access “how-to” and “real world” information on implementing immunization services into practice, unique solutions to common problems, and peer-to-peer guidance on trending topics. Supported by Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems, Inc., Merck, and Seqirus.


Three CE webinars, moderated by Michael Hogue, PharmD, feature pharmacist immunizers who discuss how they have maintained immunization rates within their pharmacy or community during the pandemic and interventions they have put in place to increase immunization rates following a decline associated with the pandemic.

Tips From the Field—Influenza

This one-hour webinar will share information, best practices, and how to maintain or increase vaccination rates for influenza while simultaneously managing the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Tips from the Field: Managing Competing Demands in a Pandemic

This one-hour webinar will share information, best practices, and how to maintain or increase vaccination rates while simultaneously managing the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. Panelists discuss how to develop and implement unique solutions to common problems in both the business of pharmacy, as well as clinical areas of need, related to providing immunization services with competing demands during the pandemic.

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Tips From the Field: Key Considerations for Safe and Timely Vaccinations

With a surge of (sometimes conflicting) information about COVID-19 vaccinations, confusion surrounding the appropriate timing of administration and/or co-administration with routine immunizations abound. This one-hour webinar will discuss the immune response, co-administration of COVID-19 vaccines, and up-to-date recommendations for routine vaccinations. The goal of this learning activity is to provide pharmacists with the knowledge needed for timely, convenient, and safe administration of vaccines.

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These six videos feature pharmacist immunizers who share their best “Tips from the Field” for maintaining or increasing vaccination rates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include improving vaccination rates, managing competing demands, safe co-administration of vaccines, and integrating pharmacy technicians into the immunization workflow.

  • Improving influenza vaccination in our community
  • Increasing influenza vaccination rates within minoritized communities
  • Integrating Pharmacy Technicians into the Vaccine Workflow
  • Key Considerations for Safe Co-administration of Vaccines
  • Managing competing demands during the Pandemic: A Community Pharmacy Perspective
  • Managing competing demands during the Pandemic: A Public Health Perspective
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