Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG Community
The mission of the APhA-APPM Nuclear Pharmacy Practice Special Interest Group (SIG) is to support its members through APhA educational programming, communication, and legislative activities in order to uphold and promote nuclear pharmacy practice, to advance pharmaceutical care, and to recognize practice excellence.
The purpose of the APhA-APPM Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG is to serve pharmacists involved in the specialty practice of nuclear pharmacy by providing its stakeholders an avenue in which to fulfill individual professional goals and support the goals of the Academy.
APhA-APPM Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG Leaders
APhA-APPM Nuclear SIG 2023-24 Committees
Awards Committee
Chair(s): TBA
Actively engage and support nominations for APhA-wide and Nuclear awards.
Education Committee
Chair(s): TBA
Provide CPE activities to maintain and enhance nuclear pharmacy and molecular imaging competencies, and organize APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition programming via identification of session moderators and contributed paper reviewers.
Policy and Professional Affairs
Chair(s): TBA
Develop position statements on matters that impact the practice of nuclear pharmacy, as appropriate, and develop guides that represent a uniformity of practice standards for nuclear pharmacy practice
Regulatory Affairs
Chair(s): TBA
To create and promote a clear identity for our regulatory efforts within APhA, and help shape the regulatory environment and policy using the expertise of members.
Call for Committee Leaders and Members
Visit our Volunteer page to review available member volunteer opportunities and to submit an application for consideration.
Questions? Contact the SIG Coordinator
Nuclear Pharmacy Practice Resources