
Student Leadership Awards

2025 Student Leadership Awards recipient

Annaston Young , Lipscomb University

Annaston Young , Lipscomb University

Annaston Young is a third-year student pharmacist at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, where she demonstrates a strong commitment to leadership, mentorship, and innovation within the profession. She is deeply passionate about empowering her peers, leading with empathy, and serving others.

As chapter president, Annaston strives to help every member find their place within APhA-ASP. She believes active engagement is the key to unlocking incredible opportunities for both personal and professional growth. By promoting involvement in leadership roles, patient care projects, and advocacy efforts, she has inspired her peers to drive change within both patient care and the profession as a whole.

Beyond her leadership in APhA-ASP, Annaston has served as an Active Learning Community leader, where she discovered her passion for teaching and mentorship. She plans to pursue a role in academia and is actively developing her teaching skills in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Aspiring Academics program. Annaston is also a member of Rho Chi and serves on Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy’s Admissions Committee. Additionally, she has been selected to join the APhA-ASP Membership Engagement Standing Committee in the upcoming term.

Annaston firmly believes in the transformative power of student pharmacists and is dedicated to shaping the future of the profession through leadership, education, and service. She leads with compassion, inspiring others to reach their full potential while leaving a lasting impression on both the profession and those she serves.

Ellie Flynn , The University of Kansas

Ellie Flynn , The University of Kansas

Ellie Flynn is a third-year student pharmacist at the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy with a passion for professional pharmacy associations and improving patient care by advancing the profession of pharmacy. Engagement in her APhA-ASP chapter as a first-year student pharmacist ignited her passion for the profession, and she now strives to foster that experience for others. Ellie currently serves as her APhA-ASP Chapter President, and she has also previously served as the APhA Carl F. Emswiller Intern and APhA-ASP Region 6 Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator. Additionally, she has been appointed to serve on the APhA-ASP National Awards Standing Committee for the 25-26 academic year.

Ellie is also involved with the Kansas Pharmacists Association where she serves as the Student Academy Leader for the Board of Directors, has served on both the Education Committee and Practice Innovation Committee, and is currently conducting research on pharmacy association engagement to be presented at the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations session during APhA2025. Ellie is also a student ambassador for her school of pharmacy, a peer mentor through her Phi Lambda Sigma chapter, and an active “brother” of Kappa Psi.

Ellie is passionate about leadership and empowering those around her. She actively participates in programming to improve her own leadership skills with the belief that it will allow her to better serve her team members. A few examples of these actives include participating in the Phi Lambda Sigma Leader Academy program and attending the Global Leadership Summit

While Ellie is keeping an open mind for her final year of pharmacy school, she currently plans to pursue an association-based fellowship program after graduation.

Julia Hormann , Medical University of South Carolina

Julia Hormann , Medical University of South Carolina

Julia is a third-year student pharmacist from the Medical University of South Carolina. Julia grew up in New York and moved to Charleston, South Carolina in 2018 when she began her undergraduate degree in Biology at the College of Charleston. Since 2018, Julia has gained valuable experience in the community through work with an independent pharmacy, where her passion for patient care first began. She has also volunteered at outpatient clinics for underserved populations, including Palmetto Palace, a mobile unit in South Carolina. These experiences have deepened her commitment to patient care, and she aspires to one day serve as an ambulatory care pharmacist.

During Julia’s time in pharmacy school, she has served as the local APhA-ASP chapter president, where she has made concerted efforts to engage students and promote advocacy initiatives. Some of her favorite events have been local health fairs, “Pie for the PAC” fundraiser, and a “Doubles for Diabetes” pickleball tournament. This year, she starred in her chapter’s PharmFlix video, which was chosen as a finalist in the category “Best Overall” and she won her chapter’s local patient counseling competition. Julia maintains involvement in her state association, SCPhA, formerly as a student delegate and currently as a Junior Board Member, which provides exposure to policies and the importance of advocating for the rights of pharmacists locally, regionally, and nationally. Furthermore, Julia is also a proud member of Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society and serves as the local secretary/treasurer of Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society.

In her personal life, Julia enjoys running in downtown Charleston and baking at home – she is always making cookies the night before an exam. As she looks ahead to her final year in pharmacy school, Julia remains eager to further her leadership, advocacy, and clinical expertise to make a meaningful difference in healthcare.

Lakin Gardner , The University of Arizona

Lakin Gardner , The University of Arizona

Lakin Gardner is a pharmacy student at the University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy, with an anticipated Doctor of Pharmacy degree in May 2026 . Passionate about expanding healthcare access, she has made a significant impact by innovating and expanding health fairs to better serve> rural and underserved communities across Arizona. She is actively involved in the Rural Health Professions Program and AHEC Scholars Program, working to improve healthcare access for vulnerable populations statewide.

As Vice President of Patient Care for APhA-ASP, Lakin has transformed community health fairs in Tucson by expanding outreach to new sites, integrating innovative educational booths, and strengthening connections between pharmacy students and their community. She has forged partnerships with local organizations, enhancing access to heat awareness education, Arizona Poison Control, cannabis medication safety, and AHCCCS insurance enrollment assistance.

In collaboration with APhA-ASP President Hayden Mitteer, Lakin helped establish a partnership with the Graduate Dietetic Nutritional Program and the College of Medicine’s CUP Program, fostering interprofessional collaboration to improve patient care at health fairs. Under her leadership, these events have become more targeted and effective, addressing health disparities by providing tailored education to meet the unique needs of diverse populations.

Lakin is deeply grateful for the support of her APhA-ASP peers, faculty mentors, and friends, who continue to inspire and empower her to believe she can make a difference in healthcare. Committed to advancing rural health advocacy and patient-centered care, she plans to pursue a PGY1 residency following graduation, furthering her mission to create lasting improvements in pharmacy practice.


Established in 1983, the APhA Student Leadership Award recognizes outstanding academic achievement and leadership ability of students entering their last year of pharmacy school. The recipients of the award for 2020 are:


All nominees must be members of APhA-ASP who are currently in their next to the last year of graduation from an accredited school or college of pharmacy. An accumulated grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) must be maintained. Members of the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee are not eligible for nomination. Chapters may nominate only one candidate per year.

Nomination Process

The nominator is responsible for submitting the award nomination packet online via Formsite. The award nomination packet includes:

  • Nomination form
  • A letter from the nominator describing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award
  • Three letters of recommendation are required; a maximum of 6 letters accepted
  • A current CV or detailed résumé
  • A letter from college registrar or designee verifying the student’s current GPA

Submit a Nomination

Selection Process

The APhA-ASP Awards Committee selects award recipients based upon careful review of complete nominations.

Nature of the Award

The award consists of a scholarship of $500 and a laminated plaque to each recipient, presented at the APhA-ASP Awards Ceremony during the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition.

Past Award Recipients

The APhA Student Leadership Awards have been presented to 4 students annually at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition since 1985.

2024 Recipients

  • Robyn Morgan Turner - The University of New Mexico
  • Shannon Habba - Wayne State University
  • Joseph Miles Azurin - Loma Linda University
  • Priscilla Liu - The University of Kansas

2023 Recipients

  • Allison Eppenaur, University of Missouri – Kansas City
  • Cristian Rodriquez, Loma Linda University
  • Ellie Balken, South Dakota State University
  • Mai Le, MCPHS University

2022 Recipients

  • Rachel Allen, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • Shirly Ly, University of Florida
  • Miranda Moser, West Virginia University
  • Ally White, Lipscomb University

2021 Recipients

  • Sidrah Alam - Shenandoah University
  • Kristina Leav - The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • Joanna Ma - University of Florida
  • Olivia Waters - Union University

2020 Recipients

  • Kathryn B. Albert - University of South Florida
  • Connor M. Anderson - Ferris State University
  • Matthew Broadwater - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Laurie Plewinski - University at Buffalo


The deadline for nomination materials is December 1.
