
APhA-ASP Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award

2025 Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award recipient

Brittany Stewart, RD, PharmD

Brittany Stewart, RD, PharmD

Brittany Stewart, RD, PharmD is an Assistant Professor (Clinical) and the Coordinator of Community Experiential Education at Wayne State University (WSU) Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Stewart has proudly served as the faculty advisor for the WSU American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter since 2014. Dr. Stewart coordinates the following courses in the third year of the PharmD program: Applied Therapeutics in Self-Care, Community-Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences, and The What, How, and Why of Community Pharmacy. Dr. Stewart is also the faculty coordinator for the APhA Medication Therapy Management Services certificate training program and co-coordinator for the Pharmacy-based Immunization Delivery program at WSU.

As the APhA-ASP faculty advisor for the past 10 years, Dr. Stewart’s guiding principle has been to promotoe the personal and professional growth of student pharmacists through their involvement with the chapter. She has worked to grow the organization and advance the mission of APhA-ASP through innovation, inspiration, motivation, and teamwork with student pharmacists. Dr. Stewart established several sustainable community partnerships that have afforded students the opportunity to provide patient care services in the Detroit community. She is an advocacy leader and always encourages student engagement on a local, state, and national level to advance the profession. Dr. Stewart leads by example with a strong record of involvement with the Michigan Pharmacists Association, Lambda Kappa Sigma, and APhA. Dr. Stewart’s favorite event that she attends every year (with students) is the APhA annual meeting. Dr. Stewart is passionate about mentorship and has worked with numerous APhA-ASP students on impactful research projects that have resulted in successful outcomes such as published abstracts, posters presented locally and nationally, prestigious awards, and student-authored publications. Dr. Stewart’s WHY is watching students grow and prosper into successful pharmacists.


The APhA–ASP Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award was established in 1988 to recognize advisors of APhA–ASP chapters who have promoted with distinction the welfare of student pharmacists through various professional activities.


  • Be either an associate or active member of APhA
  • Have been an active chapter advisor for at least one year
  • Have actively promoted student welfare
  • Made documentable contributions to achievements of the chapter
  • Must not be a past recipient of the award


Nomination Process

The nominator is responsible for submitting the award nomination packet online via Formsite.The award nomination packet includes:

  • Nomination form
  • A letter from the nominator describing the most important achievements of the nominee and explaining why the nominee meets the criteria for the award
  • Three letters of recommendation are required; a maximum of 6 letters accepted
  • A current CV or detailed résumé

For individuals not selected as the recipient of this award, nominators have the opportunity to have packets forwarded to the following year’s Awards Standing Committee for their review. APhA Student Development Staff will contact the nominator each year prior to the deadline to obtain approval for re-nomination and to update any nomination materials. If the nominator has graduated or cannot be reached, the chapter president will be contacted. Packets will be forwarded for a maximum of 4 consecutive years.

Submit a Nomination

Selection Process

The selection is made by the APhA-ASP Awards Committee based upon careful review of complete nominations.

Nature of the Award

The recipient receives a plaque and the following: a complimentary APhA Annual Meeting registration and reimbursement for meeting-related travel expenses, according to current travel policies and up to the maximum amount budgeted by APhA.


2024 recipient – Susan Cornell - Midwestern University
2023 recipient – Andrew Bzowyckyj – Pacific University
2022 recipient – Jennifer L. Clutter – West Virginia University
2021 - Melissa Somma McGivney, University of Pittsburgh
2020 - Sarah Uroza, Lipscomb University
2019 - Deanna Tran, University of Maryland
2018 - Valerie Ruehter, University of Missouri-Kansas City
2017 - Glenda Carr, Idaho State University
2016 - Cherokee Layson-Wolf, University of Maryland
2015 - Macary Weck Marciniak, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2014 - Carol A. Bugdalski-Stutrud, Wayne State University 
2013 - Thomas O. Munyer, University of Florida
2012 - Gary E. DeLander, Oregon State University
2011 - Michael Doherty, University of Cincinnati
2010 - Eddie Dunn, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
2009 - Cameron Lindsey, University of Missouri-Kansas City
2008 - Nanci Murphy, University of Washington
2007 - Lynn Simpson, University of Houston
2006 - Regina Caldwell, University of Kentucky
2005 - Tina Penick Brock, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2004 - Todd D. Sorensen, University of Minnesota
2003 - Michael Z. Wincor, University of Southern California
2002 - Samuel C. Augustine, University of Nebraska Medical Center
2001 - Theodore G. Tong, University of Arizona
2000 - Robert L. Day, University of California, San Francisco
1999 - Stephanie J. Phelps, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
1998 - Gerald L. Cable, The Ohio State University
1997 - Mary Euler, University of Missouri-Kansas City
1996 - Marc W. Harrold, Duquesne University
1995 - Shara Zatopek, University of Houston
1994 - Charles K. Born, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
1993 - Angela Solis, University of Texas at Austin
1992 - Dennis M. Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1991 - Donald G. Floriddia, University of the Pacific
1990 - William A. Hopkins, Jr., Mercer University
1989 - Gary S. Chappell, South Dakota State University


All nominations are due annually by December 1.
