A Minute With...
Taylor Mathis, PharmD, MS, BCACP, director of student success and wellness and assistant professor of pharmacy practice, Union University College of Pharmacy; clinical pharmacist at UT Family Medicine Center, Jackson, TN
Member since 2016
The decision to renew my membership with APhA each year is one of the easiest decisions I have to make! APhA has been an integral part of my professional development, offering relevant and high-quality training and certification programs, ample opportunity for leadership development and experience, and vast resources to support my practice and help me stay up to date on emerging topics. The work I have done with other pharmacists across the nation through Special Interest Group committees has been professionally and personally fulfilling. I am a better pharmacist, leader, and teammate as a result of my involvement in APhA.”
How has APhA helped you establish meaningful connections?
As a natural introvert, “networking” has always been an intimidating word for me. APhA’s New Practitioner Program gave me the opportunity to meet other new practitioners and grow in confidence as a pharmacist and as a leader alongside others who were looking to develop the same knowledge and skills.
Through volunteer work and national meetings, I have been able to learn from, be inspired by, and develop ongoing connections with other pharmacists across the United States. APhA has provided an excellent space for connecting with others to ask questions, learn, and grow as a professional.
How does APhA help you thrive in your everyday practice?
My practice has been supported and enhanced by APhA programming such as the Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery, Medication Therapy Manage-
ment, and Patient Centered Diabetes Care Certificate Training Programs. Continuing education programs have helped me stay up to date on a wide variety of topics, which is particularly helpful for disease states I see infrequently.
Beyond improving my clinical knowledge and skills, APhA’s opportunities for involvement in the work of the Association have continuously developed my professional confidence and my pride in the profession of pharmacy.
What excites you about the profession of pharmacy?
Above all else, I love how accessible pharmacists are to the public and are able to provide necessary care and resources to patients who may not have other local providers to meet their needs. The work pharmacists do to help patients access and use their medications safely and effectively is invaluable and helps to improve therapeutic outcomes.
Additionally, I am passionate about the expansion of pharmacy services and incorporation of pharmacists into health care teams in a variety of both inpatient and outpatient settings. Our expertise is being recognized and engaged in novel ways that improve the quality of care for our patients.
Can you share a meaningful story about a time you interacted with a patient? Perhaps a time you felt like you really made a difference for them?
I recently sat down with a married couple who each took 8 to 10 medications. Neither of them knew what they were taking or why. We spent several minutes going through the purpose and benefit of each medication and identified opportunities to get rid of a couple of medications they did not need, combine a couple of medications to reduce their pill burden, and optimize dosing of medications to improve control of chronic disease states.
They were so thankful to have a better understanding of what they were taking and what to expect from each medication. I enjoyed getting to work with the patients and their provider to personalize their pharmacotherapy needs to improve ease of use and therapeutic outcomes. ■
Preceptor guides
Preceptors take on many roles: that of teacher, coach, practitioner, provider, and faculty member. Just as you may have had great preceptors who made an impact on your personal and professional development, you can make a lasting impact for future pharmacists.
While it may seem intimidating getting ready for a rotation with a learner, with a bit of preparation and organization, you’ll be able to ensure a great learning experience for your learner, your pharmacy team, and yourself.
Check out APhA’s full guide at apha.us/PreceptorGuide for tips and ideas for new preceptors and helpful reminders for seasoned preceptors. Much of this material is applicable for a few types of learners, including both student pharmacists and pharmacy residents, but focuses on student pharmacist learners.
APhA also offers advanced preceptor training for those seeking the knowledge and confidence of a successful preceptor. If you currently serve as a preceptor, this program will give you access to peer-developed content which will provide you with additional knowledge and tools to enhance the experiential education process for you and your student pharmacists and residents. For new preceptors, the APhA Advanced Preceptor Training available at www.pharmacist.com/Education/eLearning/Advanced-Training/Advanced-Preceptor will provide you with a strong foundation to get started in your new role. ■
Get involved
The purpose and mission of the APhA Medication Management Special Interest Group is to create an online community where pharmacists from different areas of practice have the opportunity to communicate professional interests, concerns, and prospective goals for Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services. This community will serve as a conduit for APhA to address the needs of practicing pharmacists in order to continuously and actively shape the provision of pharmacist-led MTM services into financially viable models of practice that produce improved patient outcomes.
APhA’s new Marketing MTM Services resource helps pharmacists communicate the value of their patient care services to patients, providers, and payers.
The comprehensive guide explores the differences between digital and traditional marketing, provides considerations for marketing strategies and messaging, and lists marketing resources and tools. Developing relationships with prescribers can greatly enhance MTM services in community pharmacies—benefiting the pharmacist, prescriber, and the patients for whom they care.
The Medication Management SIG’s Toolkit for Marketing MTM to Prescribers includes 10 resources that help to guide pharmacists through the general approach and conversation components that will fuel budding collaborations between pharmacists and prescribers in MTM service delivery.
Visit apha.us/MedManagement to learn more. ■