
Pharmacists’ Patient Care Services

Pharmacists’ Patient Care Services: Improving Americans’ access to life-changing health care

Pharmacists are trained and qualified to provide a wide range of patient care services, are easily accessible, and often have longstanding relationships with the communities they serve. They are dedicated to serving patients using the full extent of their capabilities as allowed by law. That’s why APhA is fighting to gain coverage of pharmacists’ patient care services and be appropriately reimbursed for providing these services.


Map of the United States

The Future of Pharmacy Care Coalition

The Future of Pharmacy Care Coalition comprises APhA and other American healthcare companies and professional associations that together provide care for hundreds of millions of patients and represent pharmacists and community pharmacies across the country.
The Future of Pharmacy Care Coalition believes Congress should act to ensure patients can continue to receive treatment from pharmacists for pandemic and pandemic-related health conditions.

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Take Action Now: Be An Advocate

Support the LDF

The APhA Pharmacy Advancement Legal Defense Fund (LDF) supports APhA’s advocacy efforts and amplifies our legal, legislative, and regulatory actions on behalf of pharmacy and the patients who rely on pharmacists’ care.

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Contact Congress

Use APhA’s pre-written, editable advocacy alert to ask your U.S. Senators and Representative to cosponsor the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act, H.R. 2759/S. 1362 , or thank them if they have already signed on.

Meet With Your Legislators

Ask to meet virtually with your representative to explain the impact the bill can make on their constituents and why this issue is important to you.

How to Schedule an Appointment

Spread the Word

Use these Quick Facts to explain how authorizing pharmacists to bill for patient care services under Medicare Part B improves access to health care and improves outcomes in underserved communities.

Explore the Fact Sheet