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The American Pharmacists Association is the largest association of pharmacists in the United States advancing the entire pharmacy profession.

Membership: Pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians

Governance: 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees. Its House of Delegates (411 members plus alternates) meets annually to determine overall policy.

Location: Washington, D.C.

Founded: October 6, 1852 in Philadelphia, PA

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My 2022–23 APhA–ASP presidential theme: Courage to Change

Published on Tuesday, July 19, 2022

My 2022–23 APhA–ASP presidential theme: Courage to Change


Kennedy Erickson is a final-year PharmD candidate at the Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and is the 2022–23 APhA–ASP national president.

Finding the bravery to branch beyond my comfort zone has been one of my greatest challenges as a student pharmacist—especially amid a pandemic that transformed the world!

Throughout the pandemic, we were all challenged to be brave beyond our comfort zones. We revamped our daily routines. We used social media to shed light on issues facing the nation. We modified the way we delivered care to our patients. For many, changes like these can be scary … and our fears often hold us back from growing and trying new things. Throughout these transformations, I reflected on what it takes to embrace and make a change.

I think it can be boiled down to 6 words: by having the Courage to Change. Through courage, we can better ourselves, our profession, and our communities by continuing to be brave beyond our comfort zones and shape changes we want to see in ourselves and in our world.

Courage to Change ourselves

This year, I challenge you to have the courage to change for yourself! What can you do to continue growing? What is something you have always wanted to do or explore? How can you better prioritize your health and wellness? Change starts with you … starting from within!

Courage to Change our profession

As the next generation of pharmacists, I challenge you and your APhA–ASP Chapters to take action to shape our profession. How would we like to practice when we are pharmacists? How can we better pharmacy workplace conditions? What needs to happen for these changes to become a reality? Seek opportunities to speak with your legislators, boards of pharmacy, and/or employers and advocate for what we’d like to see.

Courage to Change our communities

Throughout the pandemic, we have shown the world that we are capable of innovating the way we deliver care. This year, I challenge you and your APhA–ASP Chapters to continue being innovative! What needs exist in your community? What are your passions in pharmacy? How can you use those passions to serve in a completely new way? Explore care that goes beyond your realm of normal, both for your growth and for the well-being of your community.

Professional surfer Bethany Hamilton has a great quotation: “Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.” If you look beyond your fears, what’s stopping you from being you? What’s stopping our profession and our communities from being the best they can be?

Together, we can make the world a better place by having the Courage to Change.

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Author: Dr Marie Sartain

Categories: Features

Tags: Student Magazine

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