

Pharmacy's Future Starts Here

The House of Delegates is the policy-making body of the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), an official Academy of the American Pharmacists Association. With representation at every school and college of pharmacy, APhA‑ASP is the collective voice of student pharmacists in the United States and Puerto Rico. The House is comprised of one delegate from each school or college of pharmacy, four APhA-ASP National Executive Committee members, and observers from student pharmacist and other health professional organizations.


House of Delegates

The APhA-ASP House of Delegates is held each year during the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition. The APhA2024 APhA-ASP House of Delegates will hold the first session will be held on Saturday, March 23, from 3:00 pm-5:00 pm and the final session will be held on Sunday, March 24, from 2:00 pm-4:30 pm. Please check the APhA2024 website and app for more session details and location information.

Delegate check starts 30 minutes prior to the start of each session.

For questions regarding the APhA-ASP House of Delegates, please contact APhA-ASP Speaker of the House, Mark Nagel,

APhA-ASP Policy in Action Series

During this four-part event, participants will learn more about the APhA-ASP House of Delegates and the proposed resolution statements that will be voted upon during APhA2024. APhA-ASP Regional Delegates will share background on the topics and provide an opportunity for all participants to share their thoughts on the statements. All student pharmacists are welcome to attend. APhA-ASP Chapter Delegates, alternate delegates, and APhA-ASP Policy Vice Presidents are highly encouraged to participate.

Chapter Delegate Registration

APhA-ASP Chapters may submit the name of one student pharmacist member to serve as the Chapter's Delegate and the name of one student pharmacist member to serve as the Chapter's Alternate Delegate. APhA-ASP Chapter Delegate orientation will be held on March 14, 9:00 pm-10:00 pm ET. All student pharmacists are welcome to attend the event. Delegates and alternate delegates are required. Attendees will receive a step-by-step guide on participating in the APhA-ASP House of Delegates.

View Chapter Delegate Orientation Recording

Chapter Delegate Registration Form

The deadline to register as the APhA-ASP Chapter Delegate is Friday, March 15, at 5:00 pm ET.

APhA-ASP House of Delegates - Policy Reports

APhA-ASP House of Delegates - Open Hearing on Proposed Resolutions and New Business

The APhA-ASP Open Hearing on Proposed Resolutions will be conducted on Friday, March 22, from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm during the APhA2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Orlando, FL. All student pharmacists are invited to join this session to share their views and discuss the proposed resolutions and new business items. All APhA-ASP Chapter Delegates and alternate Delegates are required to attend.

APhA-ASP House of Delegates Agenda and Amendment Form

APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions (Policy Book) and "The Capsule"

APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions begin as ideas brought forth from individual members to their chapter. After much discussion on the chapter, regional, and national levels, the most prominent ideas are brought to the APhA-ASP House of Delegates during the APhA Annual Meeting each spring. Once passed by the House, those ideas become resolutions representing the collective voice of student pharmacists. Those resolutions are then addressed by the APhA-ASP Policy Standing Committee and APhA-ASP National Executive Committee for further action.

APhA-ASP MRM Closing Business Session Reports

While reviewing each of the proposed resolutions passed at the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings, the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee develops a ranked list of policy proposals. After 3 rounds of discussion, the Committee develops a consensus on the top issues and develops their report of proposed resolutions that will be brought before the APhA-ASP House of Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition. Appendix A of the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee Report provides a reason code as well as a percentage of where all of the proposed resolutions ranked within the Committee's deliberations.

  • Report of the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee - Appendix A - PDF (ranking and feedback from MRM - Available after the APhA-ASP House of Delegates)

APhA-ASP National Officer Elections

Serving as an American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) National Officer is rewarding, both professionally and personally. Elected officers who choose to serve their profession have the personal satisfaction of knowing that they have been elected by their colleagues to represent them in their national professional organization. At times, serving as an elected officer may be a very difficult and demanding position, but the position is meant to complement, not compete with educational responsibilities. An elected officer's education always takes the higher priority.

The Regulations and Procedures for APhA-ASP National Officer elections serve as the official guidelines for the APhA-ASP House of Delegates Rules of Procedures, APhA-ASP Nominations Committee, APhA-ASP House of Delegates, and those candidates wishing to seek national office. The regulations and procedures are reviewed annually by the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee and may be revised as necessary.

2025-26 APhA-ASP National Officer elections will be conducted during the APhA2025 Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN, March 21-24.

Interested in learning more about serving as a member of the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee? Join the information session on Thursday, January 16 at 9:00 pm ET. Register here.

PharmFlix Video Contest

Voting for the PharmFlix Most Humorous, Most Inspirational, and Best Overall Picture will occur during the first session of the APhA-ASP House of Delegates on Saturday, March 24 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. Winners will be announced later that evening on Saturday during the APhA-ASP Awards Celebration from 8:00pm – 9:30pm.

More information on Pharmflix and this year’s nominees can be found here:
