
July 2021

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Volume 27, Issue 7

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July 2021 cover



Practice & Trends

Pharmacists find purpose in end-of-life care

On The Cover

Pharmacists find purpose in end-of-life care

During residency at the University of Washington in Seattle, Traci White, PharmD, spent a lot of time on rotations in the ICU as part of the team providing intensive care to critically ill patients. What struck her about this work, she said, was “You’re looking at paper, numbers, data, and graphs. You’re talking a lot about the patient— you’re discussing everything about that patient. But you have no idea who that patient really is.”

Sonya Collins

PQA measures to expand beyond dispensing and claims data

Value-Based Care

PQA measures to expand beyond dispensing and claims data

The shift to quality-based incentives continues to emerge in pharmacy. The Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) is currently working to develop pharmacy measures for A1C and blood pressure reporting; adherence to medications for hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes treatment; and antidepressant medication management.

Loren Bonner

Building COVID-19 vaccine confidence throughout the immunization neighborhood


Building COVID-19 vaccine confidence throughout the immunization neighborhood

According to CDC’s COVID-19 data tracker, as of press time, approximately 52% of the U.S. adult population was fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and 62.8% of U.S. adults have received at least one dose.1  Vaccine uptake has continued to increase since the initial authorization in December 2020, but more recent data suggest that demand for the COVID-19 vaccine may be reaching a plateau.2

Maria G. Tanzi, PharmD

Listen to your patients’ ‘why’

Vaccine Confidence

Listen to your patients’ ‘why’

More than 150 million Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Pharmacists have played a critical role in the effort it took to get this far. The crucial work of administering the vaccines, which pharmacists have done tirelessly, is just one piece of it. Pharmacists have also spent the last 7 months educating their patients, neighbors, and others about COVID-19 vaccines.

Sonya Collins

Pharmacists are COVID-19 immunization superheroes

Today's Perspective

Pharmacists are COVID-19 immunization superheroes

According to CDC, more than half of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with 63% having received at least one dose. While that is amazing progress in a short time, and vaccine uptake has continued to increase since its initial approval in December 2020, it isn’t enough.

Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, FAPhA, FCCP, Pharmacy Today editor in chief


Drugs & Diseases

Pre- and Probiotics

OTCs Today

Pre- and Probiotics

In today’s climate of self-management for optimal health and wellness, use of prebiotics and probiotics has become increasingly popular.

Daniel L. Krinsky, RPh, MS


On The Shelf


Many patients with chronic pain turn to alternative, complementary therapy as part of their pain management. Acupuncture has been gaining legitimacy for decades and was approved as a medical therapy in the United States in the 1990s.

Mickie Cathers


Health Systems

Study suggests 3-day antibiotic treatment course in hospitalized patients

Antibiotic Resistance

Study suggests 3-day antibiotic treatment course in hospitalized patients

The “postantibiotic era” is not coming—it is already here. The ubiquity of lower respiratory tract infections makes community acquired pneumonia (CAP) an evident target in limiting antimicrobial exposure. Results from a new study, published in April 2021 in the Lancet by Dinh and colleagues, boasts success for patients with a 3-day CAP treatment course.

Corey Diamond, PharmD



Mental health care among marginalized populations in the United States


Mental health care among marginalized populations in the United States

The public faces many barriers when accessing mental health resources. Economic barriers can include a lack of health insurance or ability to pay (including premiums and copays). Another barrier is minimal awareness of or education about mental health conditions, available treatments, and services that improve access.

Jeffrey Gold, PharmD, BCPP


In this Issue