
Election Information

The APhA Election includes elections for the APhA Board of Trustees – President-elect and two Trustees – and for the leadership of APhA-APPM, APhA-APRS, and the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The APhA Honorary President is also determined during this election process. The results of these elections are certified by the Committee of Canvassers, which is appointed by the APhA President. Find more information on the election process, eligibility to vote, and candidate information on this page.

Election Timeline

  • October 31, 2023 : Application deadline for the 2024 APhA Election cycle
  • October – November 2023 : APhA Committee on Nominations meets; election slate announced
  • March 22-25, 2024 : Slated candidates attend APhA2024 in Orlando, FL
  • March 22, 2024 – May 6, 2024 : Voting period for 2024 election
  • May 2024 : APhA Election results announced
  • March 21-24, 2025 : Successfully elected candidates installed at APhA2025 in Nashville, TN

Election Process

Slating and introduction of candidates

Candidates for the Board of Trustees are slated by the APhA Committee on Nominations in early December and are introduced to Annual Meeting attendees at the First Session of the APhA House of Delegates. Annual Meeting attendees also have the opportunity to interact with these candidates at caucus events and "Meet the Candidates" sessions.

The APhA–APPM Committee on Nominations is composed of the APhA–APPM President, who serves as the chair of the committee, and the four Immediate Past Presidents of the academy. During years when there is a President-elect of the academy, the President-elect will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. The APhA–APRS Committee on Nominations is composed of the APhA–APRS President, who serves as chair of the committee, and the three APhA–APRS Section Chairs. The election slates for these two Academies are finalized in December. Annual Meeting attendees have the opportunity to interact with APhA–APPM and APhA–APRS candidates at two "Meet the Candidates" sessions.

All individuals interested in applying to serve on the APhA Board of Trustees are required to review the APhA Conflict of Interest Statement and submit a corresponding Disclosure and Confidentiality Statement to APhA’s Legal Counsel.

Other APhA elections

The leadership of the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA–ASP)—President-elect, Speaker of the House, and Members-at-Large are elected at the final session of the APhA–ASP House of Delegates, held during the APhA Annual Meeting.

The Speaker-elect of the APhA House of Delegates is elected every even year by the APhA House of Delegates. The Speaker-elect serves until the end of the Annual Meeting following his/her election, at which time he/she is installed as Speaker and serves for two additional years.

*With the exception of those members appointed to serve in the APhA House of Delegates, student pharmacists are not eligible to vote in the APhA Election. Per election guidelines, the list of eligible voters is finalized 30 days prior to the opening of the official voting period. Individuals who join APhA within 30 days of the opening of the official voting period are not eligible to vote in the current election.
