
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Stay hungry for APhA–ASP
Kranthi Chinthamalla
/ Categories: Student Magazine

Stay hungry for APhA–ASP

‘Fearlessly Authentic’ stories and positive messages greeted Sydney Tu (center) while on the road this past fall, including this visit to High Point University.

As the calendar turns to 2020, I want to take a moment to reflect upon the 2019 season of APhA–ASP Student Outreach Visits (SOV) and Midyear Regional Meetings (MRM), as well as my experiences as your APhA–ASP National President-elect.

Thanks for sharing 'Fearlessly Authentic' stories

This fall, I enjoyed visiting four colleges and schools of pharmacy: University of Missouri Kansas City–Springfield, University of Minnesota, Butler University, and High Point University; and I attended the Region 3, Region 4, and Region 6 MRMs. 

Every one of you who I have met along the way has provided me with so much valuable insight. It feels like just yesterday that I had my first encounter with APhA–ASP beyond my chapter—MRM2016 in Little Rock, AR. Like many of you who experienced APhA–ASP events for the first time this past year, I did not know what to expect or where my involvement with APhA–ASP would lead me. I left my first MRM not only feeling empowered to stay involved with my chapter, but also eager for the next APhA–ASP regional or national event.

It is still surreal to me that I now have the opportunity, on behalf of the APhA–ASP National Executive Committee (NEC), to make that very first impression on you. It has been a pleasure watching so many of you become even more excited about APhA–ASP, whether it emerged from a quick presentation I conducted at your chapter or spending a 3-day weekend together in a different city. While APhA–ASP business may have brought us together, I enjoyed learning about all the amazing things you all do personally and professionally. Did you know that there is a student pharmacist who will be running for state representative in 2020? Or that there is a student pharmacist out there who runs their own interprofessional podcast that is quickly gaining momentum? How about a student pharmacist leaving MRM early to attend the baby shower of his own first child? I also enjoyed hearing your suggestions on how to make our Academy even better and how the NEC can better support our local chapters. We have come a long way since 1969 when we were officially established as an Academy, but there is always room to grow. Your #FearlesslyAuthentic stories have inspired and motivated me, and I cannot be more excited to see all the amazing things that we will accomplish together.

See you again soon

A few years down the road, the things that worry us on a day-to-day basis will subside, and what will be left are the memories and relationships that we establish with each other today and onward. Thank you for being present, keeping an open mind, and embracing the fact that we do not receive many opportunities in our lives to gather in one geographic location—to share ideas that we can act upon presently as well as to have conversations about our future.

It was such an honor to share with you how APhA–ASP can help you author your story and meet your goals while being #FearlesslyAuthentic. I hope this season left you all hungry for the next time we meet at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in National Harbor, MD! 

Sydney Tu is a third-year PharmD candidate at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and the 2019–20 APhA–ASP National President-elect.

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