September is National Sexual Health Awareness Month
Alanna Kologey is a final-year PharmD candidate at The University of Texas at Tyler Fisch College of Pharmacy and chair of the 2024–2025 APhA–ASP Member Engagement Standing Committee.
Sexual health, although a sometimes uncomfortable topic, has a range of different unique perspectives to explore and for a memorable September. Within this month, my personal goal was to challenge this and showcase LGBTQIA+ sexual health, consent, and signs of an unhealthy relationship, as well as sexually transmitted infections that are relevant for not only pharmacists, but all health care professionals. No matter what your preferred practice site is, the common theme of patient care is always at the forefront and that includes all facets of promoting healthy, safe living.
Chapters take action
Local APhA–ASP Chapters across the country have taken on conducting events centralized on promoting sexual health and the impact student pharmacists can make. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy recognized the need to host a period product drive for their local middle school. After setting up boxes in their student lounge and creating an Amazon Wishlist, they were able to donate 110 boxes of pads, tampons, and liners. Another chapter that played a role in distributing not only menstrual products, but also safe sex products, is The University of Texas at Tyler Fisch College of Pharmacy. Once a month, in partnership with their local Student National Pharmaceutical Association chapter, they go to a clinic for their underserved population to provide essential health care screenings and education. The university and the local Planned Parenthood donated supplies that are put together into “kits” and distributed with educational material. The University of Houston College of Pharmacy had a unique take on promoting sexual health by attending a local health fair to educate underserved populations on the importance of hygiene and how bodies change over time. This year, more than 400 adults and kids visited their table, and the children were given a checklist to replicate at home.
The possibilities are endless regarding creative solutions to problems in your community and developing innovative experiences that student pharmacists can provide.
Student pharmacist advocacy efforts
Beyond patient care, the APhA–ASP Policy Standing Committee took steps forward in the realm of sexual health with their resolutions on reproductive health in 2023. These included supporting the protection of patients' rights to safe and accessible abortions and reproductive care, as well as advocating for those reproductive rights. Additionally, the resolution supported providing pharmacist and student pharmacist education on contraceptive and abortifacient medications in relation to both state and federal laws, patient access to reproductive health services, and safe abortion practices. Lastly, the resolution touched on advocating for pharmacists’ ability to prescribe contraceptives to further advance accessible patient care.
From an international perspective, student pharmacists can also recognize World Sexual Health Day organized by WHO on September 4, 2024. Every year, WHO creates a theme to highlight, and this year it is “+ Relationships.” This theme explores different types of relationships, how to identify an unhealthy relationship, consent, and what a positive relationship can look like.
September is a jam-packed month of necessary conversations on the importance of sexual health and the role we can play in creating a difference in the community, in policy, and internationally. I challenge every APhA–ASP member to identify one way they can make an impact on sexual health, no matter how big or small. I can’t wait to see all the incredible, innovative events and I wish everyone a happy Sexual Health Awareness Month. For more information, check out the APhA–ASP Operation Reproductive Health page.