
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

MRM through the eyes of two first-timers
Kranthi Chinthamalla
/ Categories: Student Magazine

MRM through the eyes of two first-timers

During the 2019 MRMs, attendees got to learn more about what it means to be 'Fearlessly Authentic.'

This past fall, two first-year PharmD candidates—Sarder Sadid, from the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Tiffany Bui from The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy—attended their first APhA–ASP Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM). Both Sarder (Region 1) and Tiffany (Region 5) chronicled each and every “MRMMoment” from their memorable weekends, and now share their experiences with Student Pharmacist readers. 


First-Timer Networking Session

As a first-timer, this session was very helpful to get me comfortable. We got to know about one another though icebreakers and after that, we became friends. Overall, this session was successful in making first-timers feel welcome and detached any awkwardness or skittishness that we may have felt.—Sarder

Opening Session: Celebrate the Past. Envision the Future

One of the most memorable sessions of MRM! After a bit of history about students and their involvement in APhA,   past APhA–ASP leaders shared their knowledge, experience, and pearls of wisdom. —Sarder

Member Recognition

During the weekend, APhA–ASP members from each chapter in the respective region were recognized for their service and dedication. —Sarder

Connection Reception

Everyone was looking forward to this event as we got to meet old friends and make new ones. We also got our hands on some delectable hors d'oeuvres and played some fun games. Unsurprisingly, the photo booth was a major hit for Region 1 attendees. Lots of pictures were taken that night! —Sarder


“Fearlessly Authentic”

This session was packed as we walked through the history and opportunities for personal growth that APhA allows. Each year, the APhA–ASP National President sets a theme, so we got to learn more about what it means to be “Fearlessly Authentic.” —Sarder

APhA-ASP Chapter Officer Breakout: Presidents & Presidents-elect

An enlightening and humbling experience for those who attended as we shared our chapter’s successes and challenges. Everyone had a chance to speak about their experience as a chapter leader. Everyone who attended this event left with new ideas to bring back to their chapter. —Sarder

Standout Counseling Skills: Women’s Health Conversations

We got to practice pharmacist–patient scenarios where the pharmacist was to counsel a patient with a new hormonal contraceptive prescription. This activity also taught me the importance of having a strong foundation of trust between the pharmacist and patient. —Tiffany

APhA–ASP Leadership Training Series: Media Training Workshop

For me, this was the most interactive session of the weekend. I was engaged by the enthusiasm of the presenters and the activity, which involved creatively and effectively communicating a message about a patient care project through role playing a media interview. This allowed me to meet student pharmacists from other schools and collaborate together. —Tiffany

2019 Regional Officer Candidate Introductions

One of the main allures of MRM is the Regional Officer elections. As a first-timer, it was exciting to watch the introduction of the candidates and to learn about the election process. I was also excited to see several of my friends running for positions! —Sarder

Career Connection Opportunities Expo

Students were given the chance to talk to representatives from various pharmacies, fellowship programs, pharmaceutical companies, and other national organizations. This was also a great networking opportunity! —Sarder

Meet Your Candidates for Regional Office

I was glad that we were given the opportunity to speak to candidates before votes were cast. I must say that all the candidates were very impressive and if anything, this session made it very difficult to decide who to vote for because they all great ideas. —Sarder

LBGQT+ Health: Celebrating Diversity and Patient Care
This session gave me the opportunity to engage and listen to how important it is for pharmacists and student pharmacists to establish a safe environment for LGBQT+ patients, and to lead by example for other health professionals to follow. —Tiffany

Policy Proposal Forum

The main draw of MRM, in my opinion! I was in awe as schools showed their support and opposition to the policy proposals. I think the passion and drive shown by student pharmacists at the policy forum reflected the vigor of APhA–ASP. I was proud of everyone who participated. —Sarder


APhA–ASP OTC Medicine Safety

We learned a lot about the patient care project OTC Medicine Safety and played some interactive games, which got competitive. Shout-outs to Western New England University and Long Island University for doing a phenomenal job presenting their OTC Medicine Safety events. —Sarder

Closing Session: Regional Officer Elections & Awards Presentation

Coming to the end of MRM2019, I reflected on the weekend satisfied knowing how many new friends I made and how much I learned. It made me proud to see my chapter win a regional award for Operation Immunization because I knew so many of my fellow classmate participated in countless flu clinics and worked so hard to make all of this possible. My first MRM was a success! —Tiffany


A bittersweet end to a long weekend that was filled with excitement, learning, and debate. We were sad as we had to say our good-byes to our friends and go back to schoolwork. At the same time, we were honored and humbled to have participated in MRM2019! —Sarder

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