
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Dedicated chapter members lead to immunization success
Michelle Cathers
/ Categories: Service

Dedicated chapter members lead to immunization success

Ansley Battle is a final-year PharmD candidate at The University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy.

It was a huge honor to receive the 2022–2023 APhA–ASP Operation Immunization National Award at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Orlando this past March. This recognition celebrates the dedication of our student members at The University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy APhA–ASP Chapter, who strive each year to make a difference in our community.

Addressing health care gaps
Our chapter focused on health care gaps in New Mexico, particularly in rural areas. Recognizing low HPV vaccination rates, we collaborated with the ASHP–SSHP Immunization initiative to create an HPV education series. Through social media and campus outreach, we educated 505 individuals on the importance of the HPV vaccine in cancer prevention.

Impactful patient care and community engagement
Our chapter conducted numerous patient care events, extending our reach statewide. At the Albuquerque Public Schools City Center Health Fair, students provided vaccination schedules and checked state records, referring 13 individuals for overdue vaccinations. These events ensured community members were informed and could take necessary health actions. Additionally, we hosted 8 other educational events, using social media to reach a broader audience and foster informed health care decisions.

Our chapter held 33 clinics at 48 locations, immunizing 7,298 people—a significant increase from the previous year. These clinics allowed student pharmacists not only to help keep their community safe but also to make meaningful connections with community members and patients.
A particularly special moment occurred when a student volunteer vaccinated a mother at a COVID-19 and flu shot clinic. Patients received Thanksgiving turkeys and food donations in addition to vaccines. The patient expressed gratitude to the chapter member administering the vaccine, explaining that without this assistance, her family would have struggled to afford Thanksgiving dinner. She emphasized how these vaccinations allowed them to gather safely for the holiday. This event vaccinated a total of 1,001 individuals, providing essential protection and ensuring families could enjoy Thanksgiving together.

Innovative clinics
In response to an mpox outbreak, the New Mexico Department of Health enlisted our help. We organized 2 clinics, training student pharmacists to administer the first mpox vaccines in the state, resulting in 889 vaccinations. This event highlighted the ability of student pharmacists to engage in public health emergencies and make a swift, meaningful impact in our communities.

Active student participation
The success of our chapter was strengthened by extensive member participation. Every single one of our first- through third-year members and 67% of all chapter members attended at least one Operation Immunization event. We also held a vaccination preparation class for first-year student pharmacists, with 87% attendance, ensuring they were well-prepared for community rotations.

Receiving the national award was a major achievement that motivates our student members to continue their success. Through innovation, collaboration, and dedication, significant strides in public health can be made, even in underserved areas.

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