De-stress for success
In October, Daniel Galipeau (fourth from right) participated in the 2017 APhA 5K Fun Run/Walk at APhA headquarters in Washington, DC.
It is safe to say that pharmacy school is stressful. When you add life, work, family, and finances into the mix, stress can become overwhelming.
When I am overwhelmed, I think about my stressors, which makes me more stressed. Does that happen to you? What I have found is that one of the best methods to manage stress effectively is through group activities. Here are my top five ways to de-stress for success.
Group exercise
Exercise is a great way to relieve stress. However, it can get pretty boring running or biking by yourself, especially if you plan on anything longer than 20 to 30 minutes. Why not bring along an exercise buddy or two? After I joined a running group, I found that not only was my motivation easier to keep up, but I could push my workout even further. If you don’t like to run or bike outside, many gyms and health centers have group classes for everything, from Zumba to cycling to yoga. Shedding your stress while shredding some dance moves to Shakira or Bruno Mars is a great way to get in shape and have a great time, too!
Hobbies/social groups
Hobbies are a fantastic means to de-stress while having fun at the same time. Reading books and drawing may work well as solo hobbies, but some hobbies are more enjoyable as part of a larger group. What’s great to know is that whether you like playing Frisbee, golf, volunteering, or cosplaying, chances are you can find people who enjoy the same hobbies that you do.
Social websites such as Meetup and Eventbrite make it easy to connect and participate in a variety of activities with other people. Social clubs are another venue to reach out and find group activities in your area. Just a month after joining a social club, I have checked out new restaurants, played some beach volleyball, and tested my mettle on a ropes and rappel course. Getting out and having fun certainly helps me shake off the nerves from my latest exam.
Friends and family
I have to admit that I easily get lost in the day-to-day grind of studying and working, and I forget about the importance of taking time off to relax with my favorite groups of people. I find that scheduling a night off (and putting it on the calendar) helps me prioritize time to de-stress and enjoy the company of my friends and family. However, when hanging out with my student pharmacist friends, discussion often leads back to pharmacy school, which can bring up stressful thoughts.
So my friends and I created our first rule of pharmacy school for these breaks: do not talk about pharmacy school. This one simple rule helps us all to enjoy our time together instead of worrying about which chemical structure is going to be on the next test.
Talk about your stress
My best friend, Joe, has probably heard it all from me because talking about stress is one of my favorite ways to help manage stress. I often get good advice, a new perspective, and a vote of support that provide me the tools to conquer my stress. Also, just talking about my stress provides a level of relief. Talking with a friend or family member you feel comfortable with, in my opinion, is a crucial component to stress management that in the end can also strengthen your relationship.
Peer support groups
What if you don’t feel comfortable sharing with your friends or family about issues that are stressing you out? Many campuses offer peer support groups that provide a neutral and supportive environment for students to share and discuss stress among their peers. On my campus, peer support groups are offered on a regular basis and address topics including time management, anxiety, and relationships. Additional support groups are available, such as for those living with mental health problems or for those who have had certain life experiences. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the resources on your campus to help you manage and conquer your stress.
Do you have additional ways to de-stress? If so, be sure to share them with your fellow student pharmacists to help them handle their stress!

Daniel Galipeau is a final-year PharmD candidate at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and a member of the 2017–18 APhA–ASP Policy Standing Committee.