Celebrating unity at the APhA–ASP Opening General Session
Tajana Vujic is a second-year PharmD candidate at the Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and is the 2021–22 APhA–ASP Regional Member-at-large for Regions 7 and 8.
Cheering and laughter overpowered the room as we all joined together for the APhA–ASP Opening General Session (OGS) at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in March. The crowd filled with excitement as the APhA–ASP National Executive Committee stood together on stage. The journey to this moment has helped build strong relationships and longtime friendships, creating a magical experience that will not be forgotten. From patient counseling to helping the community to the Midyear Regional Meeting to getting together in San Antonio, we all worked tirelessly throughout the year to make an impact in our role as student pharmacists!
Since the pandemic began, in-person meetings were rare, so my heart was filled with joy seeing student pharmacists gather in the ballroom supporting their peers and their accomplishments. APhA and attendees made all the necessary precautions to make this event safe.
A word from the president
Following the introduction, 2021–22 APhA–ASP President Juan Rodriguez left the audience speechless as he delivered an empowering message. He explained how hard work really drives the focus for us as students and discussed his theme of “Unity in Diversity,” noting that being able to make his family and friends proud was one of his greatest accomplishments in pharmacy school.
Student Pharmacists Got Talent
The APhA–ASP OGS also spotlighted some amazing performances, as two astounding student pharmacists took to the stage to show us their talents. Thank you to Zach Mathew, from Washington State University, for his song; and Kristina Meyer, from the University of Kentucky, for her tap dance routine.
APhA–ASP award time
Being able to see APhA–ASP Chapters recognized for their commitment and receive awards is a beautiful experience. All the dedication and time that has been put in to make an impact as student pharmacists over the year is commendable, as it truly takes a lot of patience and discipline to put on events and help the community across the country.
Congratulations to the following chapters and individuals who were recognized for their efforts.
Operation Immunization National Winner: Lipscomb University
(Operation Immunization is supported by Walgreens)
Early in the pandemic, this chapter collaborated with the Tennessee Poison Center to support their COVID-19 Hotline by answering patient questions, where to get tested, and more. They also supported their campus’ contact tracing efforts by contacting those exposed and providing them essential information on quarantining and getting tested. The chapter also hosted Vote n’ Vax, an event where students were encouraged to register to vote and could receive their influenza vaccines.
Operation Immunization First Runner-up: University of Southern California
Operation Immunization Second Runner-up: University of Pittsburgh
Operation Heart National Winner: University of Maryland
This chapter created the Month Long Marathon event, where they tracked miles walked by students, and donated to a charity for every mile logged. This chapter also initiated a virtual event called Class in Cardiology, where they hosted a pharmacist from Puerto Rico to speak on the pharmacist’s role in fighting Covid-19 and cardiovascular disease
Operation Heart First Runner-up: Ohio Northern University
Operation Heart Second Runner-up: West Virginia University
Operation Reproductive Health Outstanding Chapters: Cedarville University, Rutgers University, University of Georgia, University of Michigan, and University of South Florida
Most Improved Chapter Award: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Chapter Operational Leadership Award: Purdue University
Patient Care Award: University of Maryland
Chapter Professionalism Award: University of Incarnate Word
Innovative Programming Award: St. John’s University
Chapter Policy and Legislative Award: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Outstanding IPSF Activity Award: Samford University
APhA Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award: Jennifer Clutter, West Virginia University
Distinguished New Practitioner Award: April Nguyen
APhA Student Leadership Awards: Rachel Allen, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Shirly Ly, University of Florida; Miranda Moser, West Virginia University; and Ally White, Lipscomb University
Here’s to you!
All the recognition and wonderful awards that were given can only serve as motivation to help your chapter get recognized and rewarded for the wonderful impact it has made in the community this year.
So, here’s to you, fellow student pharmacists! Make the step to support your community and lead with passion. Let’s stand as one and one for all and remember to find unity in diversity in all you do!