
Transitions Magazine

Transitions is published bi-monthly for members of the APhA New Practitioner Network. The online newsletter contains information focused on life inside and outside pharmacy practice, providing guidance on various areas of professional, personal, and practice development. Each issue includes in-depth articles on such topics as personal financial management, innovative practice sites, career profiles, career development tools, residency and postgraduate programs, and more.

Michelle Cathers
/ Categories: APhA News, HOD, Annual Meeting

APhA House of Delegates Virtual Session hears debate and discussion on reviewed policies, Referred Business Item statement

During the Friday, November 5th Virtual Session, the APhA House of Delegates (HOD) received reports from the House Rules Review Committee and from the Policy Review Committee. In addition, the House acted on a Referred Business Item statement from the March 2021 HOD business session held during the 2021 APhA Virtual Annual Meeting & Exposition.

Melissa Skelton Duke, PharmD, MS, BCPS, opened her first session as Speaker of the House by acknowledging the passing of Former Speaker Hazel Pipkin, who had served APhA in many capacities including Honorary President and APhA Foundation President. The passing of Maurice Bectel, 1996 Remington Honor Medalist, and former APhA President and Interim APhA CEO, was also acknowledged. Duke then recognized all pharmacy personnel for their roles in combating COVID-19 and reflected on the actions taken by APhA that have affected pharmacy practice since APhA2021. She navigated the challenges of a virtual HOD session expertly, ensuring delegates had a clear understanding of the action being taken with each proposed motion.

Business of the Fall Session

Cynthia Boyle, Chair of the House Rules Review Committee, introduced her committee’s report for consideration by the House. The recommendations of the committee included new guidance on use of virtual ballots and the process for handling referred/unfinished business during House sessions in addition to other House process recommendations. The House Rules Review Committee Report was adopted unanimously, approving 3 changes to the House Rules of Procedure.

There was robust debate during the presentation of the Policy Review Committee Report, led by Chair Andrew Bzowyckyj. The report was adopted, except for 3 recommendations (items 41, 42, and 43) which the House voted to remove and consider separately. The main topic of debate covered a proposed insertion of language within current policy related to professionalism on social media contained within recommendation number 41 to encompass pharmacy technicians. Ultimately, the recommendation was amended to reflect all pharmacy personnel within the policy statement and was adopted. Statements 42 and 43 were adopted almost unanimously without debate.

During this Virtual Session, the House took action on referred item “Increasing Awareness and Accountability to End Harassment, Intimidation, Abuse of Power, Position, or Authority in Pharmacy Practice” as a follow-up to discussions on this subject that took place during the March 2021 Virtual House session. Multiple delegates spoke strongly on behalf of approving this statement as introduced by a delegate from the APhA Board of Trustees and the referred item was adopted.

The session concluded with an open comment period, during which several delegates commended Speaker Duke for her seamless approach in leading the House within a virtual environment. The full actions of this House session will be made available at once finalized.

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