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Lighting your inner flame will bring success
Dr Marie Sartain
/ Categories: Well-Being

Lighting your inner flame will bring success

Andre Zibner is a third-year PharmD candidate at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Orlando.

As a student pharmacist, there are sure to be times when you feel like the weight of the world rests on your shoulders. Not only do you have to worry about passing your next exam on the way to becoming a health care professional, but many of you also work as pharmacy interns outside of class, hold leadership positions within APhA–ASP and other organizations, perform research, or even have to balance a combination of all of these. When the going gets rough, it may be easy to become overwhelmed and throw your mental health into the drain.

However, even when faced with the most impossible tasks, there is one thing that is and will continue to be the victor over these moments of doubt: your “inner flame.”

Find that drive

In my own time as a student pharmacist, there were moments when I felt that there was no possible way I could overcome what felt like the hundreds of tasks and challenges that faced me. My mind would race consistently with the to-do list of tasks I had to complete once I got home from my weekend internship at the hospital. But somehow, I did. This situation has occurred many times over now, and reflecting on how I was able to achieve what I did and currently accomplish what I do now, it’s always been my “inner flame” that has blazed the path for my success.

I believe that finding your “inner flame” in pharmacy school is essential for continued success—not only as a professional, but also as an individual in your personal life. Balancing many roles and multiple jobs may be very tough at times, but you can be tougher. Discovering your inner desire to improve yourself and excel in whatever you want to accomplish is a huge factor in executing and fulfilling your goals.

Find that drive, determination, or passion within yourself that will push you to keep going even in the face of an insurmountable task. You’ll soon realize that no task cannot be overpowered because your “inner flame” will always burn a path forward for you.

Don’t forget your roots

For me, my inner flame is deeply ingrained in making those who have always believed in me proud. Never forget your roots—all of the people in your life who have always believed in you no matter what. My parents, countless mentors, and friends have put so much time and effort into someone who they know can make a difference, and I can’t let them down.

In those difficult times you will all inevitably face throughout your life, always think about what lights your inner flame. This will consistently instill within you the motivation and resolve to push forward and succeed. If you’re ever in doubt, always remember that this is your journey and this your life, and you have the power to accomplish absolutely anything you put your mind to.

Ignite your “inner flame” and keep it burning, because this will always be the light at the end of the tunnel.

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