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Forging stronger bonds and relationships at MRM
Dr Marie Sartain
/ Categories: Leadership

Forging stronger bonds and relationships at MRM

Zoey Harris is a third-year PharmD candidate at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

My attendance at the fall 2023 APhA–ASP Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM)—my third MRM—proved to be an exceptional experience that left me more motivated and inspired than ever before. This year’s innovative approach of offering on-site, on-campus, or online participation was a groundbreaking initiative to enhance accessibility and affordability for attendees.

Choosing an on-campus experience for our chapter at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy turned out to be a rewarding decision. The opportunity to share my passion for APhA with a record number of student pharmacist attendees fostered a sense of unity and enthusiasm within our chapter. MRM has always been a platform to bond with student pharmacists in the region, but this on-campus experience allowed my chapter to forge stronger bonds and relationships among members.

Pursuing our potential

The online broadcast with the interactive format transported us to the heart of the event in Washington, DC. Our on-campus experience was enhanced with coffee and homemade muffins during check in with a prompting question: “How will you pursue your potential through APhA?” We also had a catered lunch where we delved into discussions and reflections on regional policy proposals.

Whether defending policy proposals, absorbing insights from speakers, or marveling at the innovative minds showcased in the programming awards, each moment at MRM was invaluable. APhA never fails to set the tone with a captivating opening speaker, and this year was no exception. Jake Nichols, PharmD, MBA, the co-founder, president, and CEO of Renovo Health, provided his personal and professional journey with substance abuse, which resonated deeply, leaving me in awe of his strength and vulnerability.

Sharing the MRM message

MRM 2023 reiterated the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals—people who are kind, vulnerable, supportive, and passionate about the pharmacy field. The conference’s overarching message to believe in oneself by being authentic echoed through every speaker. I learned that staying true to oneself and embracing vulnerability sends a powerful message to those we hope to inspire.

I’m committed to sharing these impactful messages from MRM with my chapter by recounting my personal journey into pharmacy and encouraging others to share their unique stories. Our narratives, which are diverse and beautiful, are the building blocks that shape the evolving and distinct identity of pharmacy.

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