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APhA–ASP Member Spotlight: Michael Nnamdi Nome
Tom English
/ Categories: Features

APhA–ASP Member Spotlight: Michael Nnamdi Nome

Meet Michael Nnamdi Nome, a final-year PharmD candidate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Pharmacy. He previously served as chapter president-elect and president. We caught up with Michael to learn about him and his passion for APhA–ASP.

Student Pharmacist Magazine (SPM): Can you tell us about your journey with APhA–ASP? Why did you choose to become a member, and why do you remain a member?
Michael: Becoming a member of this esteemed organization has been one of my finest choices. APhA helped to broaden my horizons and positively impact the world. It is a valuable platform for establishing friendships and connecting with fellow student pharmacists who share my passion and vision. I was overjoyed by the diverse opportunities available through community outreach programs. I lent a hand at local shelters, raised funds for worthwhile causes, and spread awareness about health concerns. I always felt like I was doing something meaningful and gratifying.

Thank you to APhA–ASP for the guidance and mentorship. It is a privilege to be a part of this pharmacy community. I am eager to continue growing and serving with its assistance.

SPM: What is your favorite APhA–ASP member benefit?
Michael: As an APhA–ASP member, I find the conference discount and scholarships to be the most valuable benefits. The Annual Meeting & Exposition offers an excellent opportunity to gain insights into pharmacy trends and network with people who share my interests. Moreover, the APhA Foundation scholarships have been of great financial assistance to me. I feel proud to have received one of the scholarships in 2023. All of the benefits have significantly impacted my life, and I am grateful to be a member of APhA–ASP.

SPM: What is your favorite APhA–ASP memory?
Michael: As a proud APhA–ASP member, I enjoyed attending the Student Leadership Institute (SLI) in Washington, DC, which is one of my most cherished memories. The event was a remarkable opportunity to connect with other student pharmacists from all over the nation. We shared our experiences and insights and discussed various aspects of pharmacy practice. I was impressed by the diverse perspectives and ideas my fellow student pharmacists shared. It was an incredible networking event. I established long-lasting connections with like-minded individuals, who shared my passion for the pharmacy profession.

SLI reinforced my belief that future pharmacists have the potential to make a positive difference in patient care. We help shape the professional identity of ourselves and our colleagues. As health care professionals, we must continuously strive for excellence in patient care and proactively advocate for our profession. Overall, SLI was a valuable experience that left a lasting impact—personally and professionally. I was grateful for the opportunity. I encourage all student pharmacists to participate in such events. Broaden their horizons and explore the limitless possibilities the pharmacy profession offers.

SPM: What is your go-to Starbucks order?
Although I am more of a hot chocolate and hot tea drinker, my go-to Starbucks order would be a short caffe mocha (without whipped cream, of course).

SPM: If you were a superhero, what power would you have?
Michael: Personally, I would opt for the power of mind reading. Then I could better serve my patients and build consensus more effectively. By reading people's thoughts and understanding their perspectives, I could provide more personalized and tailored care to each individual. Additionally, I could use this power to facilitate communication and collaboration between different groups of people. That ability would be immensely valuable in many situations. All in all, mind reading would be a very useful superpower!

SPM: After a long day of school or work, what do you like to do in the evening to unwind?
To relax after a tiring day at school or work, I engage in activities that bring me peace and comfort. Watching sitcoms is one of my favorite pastimes, and The Big Bang Theory is my go-to show. I find it incredibly entertaining and helps me unwind after a long day. I also enjoy reading nonfiction books, especially those that have historical significance to any topic. I am always intrigued by learning new things and expanding my knowledge base, and reading such books provides me with exactly that.

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