Research & Evidence
APhA is committed to demonstrating the value pharmacists bring to patients and the health care system. We engage scientific experts to conduct environmental scans and literature reviews and to highlight the best evidence of pharmacists’ impact on medication-related and other health outcomes. Resources will be added to this page as new evidence becomes available.
Conducting Research Projects
This resource is intended to help residents and students understand the basic steps and principles of conducting practice-based research projects.
Exploring Pharmacists’ Role in a Changing Healthcare Environment
A new analysis by Avalere Health set out to investigate the ways that pharmacist services are improving care, and how these services are aligned with the changing healthcare environment. With support from several pharmacist associations and organizations*, Avalere conducted a structured assessment of current evidence on the effects of five key pharmacist services and modalities: medication management; medication reconciliation; preventive services (screening and immunization); education and behavioral counseling; and collaborative care models.
Evidence for the Value of Pharmacists' Patient Care Services
This compendium of pharmacist provision of care publications was created by a group of scientific experts charged them with identifying examples of the best evidence of pharmacists’ impact on patient medication–related and other health outcomes.