
Learn The Lingo

Learn the Lingo: Key Terms for Navigating the Value Based Care World

With the shift toward value-based payment models, pharmacists are seizing new opportunities to improve patient care in medical homes, accountable care organizations, and other innovative care models. This resource includes acronyms and terminology commonly used when practicing in or discussing innovative practice models. Each term includes a short description and references so you can further your practice in a value based care world. This is the first of multiple volumes that will be published by the Medical Home/ACO SIG.



Telehealth is defined as the exchange of medical information through electronic communication to improve a patient’s health.¹ Although often used interchangeably with “telemedicine,” telehealth encompasses a broader array of services and activities. Telemedicine solely describes the use of telecommunication to provide health care directly to a patient, while telehealth includes talking to a doctor live via phone or video chat, sending/receiving secure messages between providers, and remote monitoring of medical devices. Telehealth is one element of digital health, which is a broader term that includes “disruptive technologies that provide digital and objective data accessible to both caregivers and patients.”2 Examples of technologies that provide digital data include wearable devices and mobile health technologies.

Value-Based Programs
Value-Based Programs

Value-Based Programs

According to CMS, "value-based programs reward health care providers with incentive payments for the quality of care they give to people with Medicare."1 Value-based programs support CMS' three-part aim, a strategy that targets improved health care at an individual level, improved health of the population, and lower costs.
