
Pharmacy News

Dr Marie Sartain
/ Categories: APhA News

What states have the worst influenza activity right now?

According to CDC’s influenza tracking map, 7 states and Washington, DC, are in the highest category for influenza activity. These states—Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Virginia—have all been categorized as having “very high” influenza activity.

This year’s flu season started early and is hitting hard, with high rates of hospitalization and an estimated 1,300 deaths, including at least 3 children. No states were in the “very high” categories less than 3 weeks ago.

CDC’s influenza tracking map is based on where people are going to the doctor with influenza-like symptoms rather than confirmed influenza lab tests, so the map “may capture patient visits due to other respiratory pathogens that cause similar symptoms,” the agency noted.

The increase in influenza cases come as children’s hospitals around the country have been hit by a wave of young patients with respiratory syncytial virus.

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