
APhA-APPM Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The APhA-APPM SIGs are member-driven groups focused on key areas of interest. Many SIGs have committees and work groups where APhA members can create resources, provide webinars, and work on other projects to help other APhA members in their pharmacy practices. Each SIG has its own community on the APhA Engage platform where SIG members discuss hot topic issues, share resources, and provide advice and support to each other as they grow their professional networks. SIGs can be formed by any APhA-APPM member.

Care of Underserved Patients SIG

The Care of Underserved Patients SIG is a network of practitioners, administrators, and educators who provide care for underserved patient populations and utilize the expertise and resources of that network to empower all pharmacists to provide patient-centered care to underserved patient populations

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Compounding SIG

The Compounding SIG is a network community within APhA-APPM where pharmacists and student pharmacists share ideas, education, and advocacy for compounding pharmacy.

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Diabetes Management SIG

The Diabetes Management SIG is a network for pharmacists and student pharmacists who share an interest in the area of diabetes management.

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Immunizing Pharmacists SIG

The Immunizing Pharmacists SIG is a network for pharmacists and student pharmacists who share an interest in the area of immunizations.

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Medical Home/ACO SIG

The Medical Home/ACO SIG is a network for practitioners, administrators and educators who share an interest regarding new models for patient care, specifically the patient–centered medical home and accountable care organizations (ACOs).

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Medication Management SIG

The Medication Management SIG provides pharmacists from different practice areas an opportunity to communicate professional interests, concerns, and prospective goals for MTM services.

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Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG

The Nuclear Pharmacy Practice SIG serves pharmacists involved in the specialty practice of nuclear pharmacy by providing its stakeholders an avenue in which to fulfill individual professional goals and support the goals of the Academy.

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Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction SIG

The Pain, Palliative Care and Addiction SIG supports pharmacists and student pharmacist interns who care for individuals with all types of acute and chronic pain and for patients with life limiting illnesses who have pain and other symptoms. The SIG also focuses on associated issues such as addictions, medication abuse, and medication diversion.

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Preceptor SIG

The Preceptor SIG is a professional network of pharmacists who share an interest in any or all aspects of precepting student pharmacists and/or pharmacy residents. The APhA-APPM Preceptor SIG is the only SIG not open to student pharmacists, which creates a secure environment for preceptors to share advice openly with each other.

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Public Health SIG

The purpose of the Public Health SIG is to serve as the leading convening body across APhA and the profession to promote and advance the role of the pharmacist in public health.

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Transitions of Care SIG

The Transitions of Care SIG is a professional network of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working to overcome transitional challenge and enhance collaboration among pharmacists in all practice setting as they provide care to patients during transitions to/from various practice settings.

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How to Join an APhA-APPM SIG

Follows these easy steps to join one or more APhA-APPM SIGs.

  1. Log into with your username and password.
  2. Click on "My Account".
  3. Select "Academies, Sections, and SIGs" on the left-hand side of the page.
  4. Click on "Edit" in the right-hand side of the page.
  5. Select APhA-APPM as your Primary or Secondary Academy.
  6. Under "APhA-APPM Special Interest Groups (APhA-APPM SIGs)" check the box next to all SIGs of interest.

APhA-APPM SIG ENGAGE Communities: Connect with SIG Leaders and Members

APhA ENGAGE, your members-only online discussion community, is a key APhA member benefit that allows you to network and connect with other APhA members in various practice settings. Each APhA-APPM SIG has its own community on Engage. You can access APhA Engage by visiting and logging in with your APhA username and password. To help you get the most out of Engage, visit the About Engage section, watch tutorial videos, and read FAQs about the platform.

How to Start an APhA-APPM SIG

A SIG is an interest-based member group led by member volunteers (Coordinator and Coordinator-elect) and provides a forum for members to network and support the profession by addressing emerging issues. Any APhA-APPM member can petition the APhA-APPM Executive Committee to form a new SIG. To learn more on how a SIG is created, please contact APhA Senior Director of Practice and Science Academies Margaret Tomecki.

APhA-APPM SIG Application

APhA-APPM SIG Application Guidelines
