
Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, FFIP

Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, FFIP

Michael D. Hogue is the 15th Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).

Read more about Michael 

What’s happened in a year

What’s happened in a year

One year ago, I had the honor of becoming APhA’s 15th CEO and Executive Vice President. It’s been a tremendous year with challenges I did not anticipate and joys I never could have predicted.

Dream stealers and dream keepers—A message for graduates, and perhaps all of us

Dream stealers and dream keepers—A message for graduates, and perhaps all of us

As I write this week’s blog, I’m preparing for commencement addresses at two schools of pharmacy: Auburn University’s Harrison School of Pharmacy, and Howard University School of Pharmacy. Walking around college campuses this time of year reminds me of the hope of the future, and as I strolled around the Loveliest Village on the Plains it hit me that there is a stark contrast between this week and next month for these graduates.

The sun is rising; will you help me today?

The sun is rising; will you help me today?

As I write, I’m in awe of the sun as it rises over the U.S. Capitol building. APhA headquarters is a great location to watch both sunrises and sunsets, and today’s sunrise is particularly gorgeous with gentle wind-swept cloud wisps combing the sky over the Washington Monument. I’m reminded that today is a new day with a new start, and an opportunity to do good in the world. It’s a chance to work hard to make a difference in people’s lives and to tell the story of our profession to folks who have the power to make change happen.

The secret to a better career

The secret to a better career

As a child, I learned early the golden rule: do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. For me, it’s simple; kindness, empathy, and respect. Those are the attributes I have worked to put into practice in my career. Like everyone, I have occasionally fallen short, but I know that my efforts have served me and my patients and students very well.

My thoughts on yesterday's USAToday article

My thoughts on yesterday's USAToday article

By now, many of you have read this story about Ashleigh Anderson, published this morning by USAToday.

This story is as heartbreaking now as it was in 2021. No pharmacist at anytime, anywhere, should feel they need to put their work duties over any health concerns they are experiencing, under any circumstances.