
Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, FFIP

Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, FAPhA, FNAP, FFIP

Michael D. Hogue is the 15th Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).

Read more about Michael 

If you build it, they will come: A safe haven at the pharmacy

If you build it, they will come: A safe haven at the pharmacy

In the 1989 film Field of Dreams, an Iowa farmer is inspired to pursue a dream. He builds a baseball field on his farm driven by the promise that, “if you build it, they will come.” 

Reflecting on American Pharmacists Month

Reflecting on American Pharmacists Month

With American Pharmacists Month (APhM) behind us, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the spotlights that shined on our profession, focusing on our pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and the incredible work that they do. We saw APhM recognized across social media channels, state proclamations by governors, and even through an on-camera shout out at the TODAY Show on their plaza. This well-deserved recognition goes a long way in sharing with the world the value and importance of pharmacists and pharmacy personnel in all settings.

Ringing in American Pharmacist Month
Ringing in American Pharmacist Month

Ringing in American Pharmacist Month

The kickoff of American Pharmacists Month (APhM) in October is always exciting for me because it falls at the same time as my birthday. My annual birthday present to myself is a flu shot. This year I added a bonus gift of a COVID-19 bivalent booster. It brought me such pride and joy for the pharmacist to jab me with these gifts knowing how our profession rose to the occasion these past few years and how pharmacists continue to be on the front line of care. Those were tears of joy on my face when Joan Kim at Grubb’s Pharmacy in Washington, DC jabbed me!

Your Voice, Our Mission!

Your Voice, Our Mission!

Hear from Ilisa BG Bernstein, PharmD, JD, FAPhA, APhA’s new interim executive vice president and CEO, about her background and history with APhA as well as our top strategic priorities, which will propel us to move the profession forward.
