

APhA Newsroom

Fast Facts

The American Pharmacists Association is the largest association of pharmacists in the United States advancing the entire pharmacy profession.

Membership: Pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians

Governance: 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees. Its House of Delegates (411 members plus alternates) meets annually to determine overall policy.

Location: Washington, D.C.

Founded: October 6, 1852 in Philadelphia, PA

2020 Annual Report

Media Contact

Taneishia Bundy
APhA Media Relations


Press Releases

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Ambitious leaders lead charge for most improved chapter Read more

Ambitious leaders lead charge for most improved chapter

BUSOPPS welcomed its inaugural PharmD class in August 2017, and since then has significantly advanced its APhA–ASP Chapter through patient care outreach, policy and advocacy efforts, social media presence, professional development, and collaboration with internal student pharmacist organizations and external organizations throughout the Binghamton area.