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The American Pharmacists Association is the largest association of pharmacists in the United States advancing the entire pharmacy profession.

  • Membership: Pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
  • Governance: 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees. Its House of Delegates (411 members plus alternates) meets annually to determine overall policy.
  • Location: Washington, D.C.
  • Founded: October 6, 1852 in Philadelphia, PA
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APhA Student Leadership Award recipient: Kristina Leav

Published on Thursday, July 22, 2021

APhA Student Leadership Award recipient: Kristina Leav


Interview with: Kristina Leav, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy

1. As you reflect on your student pharmacist experience thus far, what are some of your favorite memories? 

Some of my favorite memories from my pharmacy experience have been through community service projects with my APhA–ASP Chapter. I have really enjoyed fostering relationships with new community partners as well as chapter members and seeing the impact we are having in real time. We have all learned and grown so much within the last year alone, and I feel fortunate to be surrounded by colleagues who share my desire to create change in our communities.   

2. Pharmacy school is demanding, especially when you add other activities. How do you manage all your responsibilities? 

Creating a good work–life–pharmacy balance can be a challenge, one that I am still learning myself. What works for me is to be present with my friends and family who have supported me throughout this entire journey. While multitasking comes easily for me when I am trying to balance multiple responsibilities, I find that I am able to recharge and reset when I get to spend quality time with people I appreciate. I have had many enriching experiences as a student pharmacist and look forward to more but am still learning how to say “no” when I am getting stretched thin.   

3. What are some of your favorite leadership tools and/or resources?

I enjoy taking different personality and strengths assessments to dig a little deeper and help me understand myself.  Some I’ve found helpful are the Strengths Quest (Gallop), 16 Personalities, Enneagram, and Myers–Briggs. I believe that becoming more self-aware has a huge impact in developing as a leader. I also enjoy listening to podcasts by people I admire, but I have not yet explored any specific leadership podcasts. 

4. What does being a leader, and being selected for this award, mean to you? 

Being a leader means using your strengths to create positive change in your community. I believe that this servant leader award best embodies the style of leader that I am. I don’t think that leaders are always on center stage. I do my best work in supporting others behind the scenes and organizing partnerships with other leaders in the community to help promote the pharmacy profession. I am incredibly honored to be a recipient of this award and could not have achieved it without the help of mentors, peers, family, and friends.   

6. What’s next for you? 

Rotations started for us this past March, and I have really enjoyed applying all the didactic work into real-life practice. I am excited to see what else lies in store these next couple of months and am trying to make the most with my friends and family here in Memphis. I am hopeful and confident that the enriching experiences I will have during the next few months will help me decide how I want to direct my pharmacy career. 

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