
2021-22 New Business Items Discussion

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Published on Thursday, March 10, 2022

NBI #9 - Pharmacists Applcation of Professional Judgment

Motion: Adopt the new proposed policy regarding pharmacists’ application of professional judgment

Pharmacist’s application of professional judgment:

  1. APhA supports pharmacists, as licensed health care professionals, in their unrestricted use of professional judgment throughout the course of their practice to act in the best interest of patients.
  2. APhA asserts that a pharmacist's independent medication review and use of professional judgment in the medication distribution process is essential to patient safety.
  3. APhA opposes the creation of state and federal laws that negate a pharmacist’s right to exercise professional judgment in the best interest of patients’ clinical outcomes.
  4. APhA calls for civil, criminal, and legal liability protections for pharmacists and pharmacies if the right to use professional judgment is limited by state and federal laws.

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Author: Angel Baltimore

Categories: HOD

Tags: New Business Item

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