
2021-22 New Business Items Discussion

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Published on Thursday, March 10, 2022

NBI #3 – Data to Advance Health Equality


  1. APhA urges pharmacists to use evidence-based data to address health disparities, equitably distribute resources, and drive decision-making in advocacy and practice.
  2. APhA supports the collection, analysis, reporting, and exchange of disaggregated data regarding race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, and social determinants of health in partnership with the impacted communities.
  3. APhA urges schools and colleges of pharmacy to prioritize and incentivize the collection and analysis of disaggregated data as part of institutional research efforts towards health equity.

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Author: Angel Baltimore

Categories: HOD

Tags: New Business Item


1 comments on article "NBI #3 – Data to Advance Health Equality"

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Ms Adrienne Simmons

3/18/2022 12:27 PM

The Public Health SIG has developed an educational one-pager on disaggregated data to accompany this NBI. The one-pager highlights important considerations such as data security and respondent privacy. Check it out here:

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