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Enjoyable diversions

Published on Friday, March 29, 2024

Enjoyable diversions

Desiree Herman is a second-year PharmD candidate at the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the 2023–2024 Region 1 APhA–ASP midyear regional meeting coordinator.

Pharmacy school has been called many different things, such as hard, painful, exhausting, exciting, informational, and much more. One of the most important words I would use to describe pharmacy school is “teamwork.”

My team of fellow student pharmacists at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has not only included study partners; we also spend countless hours laughing, crying, and everything in between. It is that bond, along with the support of family and my hobbies, that helps me get through the rigors of pharmacy school.

Get by with a little help from my friends

During my first week of pharmacy school, I met some of my peers who I now consider some of my best friends. In between classes, my friends and I often find restaurants in the area to eat lunch together. We also go out for some late-night appetizers at Applebee’s occasionally to break up the monotony. When it’s a little warmer outside, we sit outside of the pharmacy building for lunch and soak up the sun. To get the blood pumping, my friends and I have also gone rock climbing and ice skating. We have made a habit of traveling to each other’s homes to get away from school and making meals together for birthdays, holidays, and movie nights.

Building these friendships has really made a difference in my journey through pharmacy school. I have been able to get through the difficult days with my friends.

Another important aspect of my pharmacy career has been the support of my family. I am fortunate to live very close to my family and have the opportunity to travel back and forth between home and school. Going home for a home-cooked meal or to watch a football game has been very helpful.

Outlets to relieve stress

Spending time with my family and friends are just two of my hobbies. I am also an avid reader. I enjoy spending time away from the world of pharmacy and immersing myself in a different world. I love that through books I have the ability to learn new facts or stories that take my mind off of pharmacy school. My friends started a book club subcommittee where we meet a bunch of times throughout the semester to discuss a book of our choice. This unique opportunity has allowed many student pharmacists to get to know each other even better outside of the traditional classroom setting.

In addition, UB has a club called NPO or Non-Pharmacy Options, which is a club that offers an opportunity to students to pursue fun activities that are not a part of pharmacy.

One of the other hobbies I enjoy is baking. Whenever I am stressed, I often revert to baking a sweet dessert that my friends and I can enjoy. Baking is an outlet to relieve stress, but it also allows me to be creative, creates a sense of accomplishment, offers comfort and nostalgia, and builds a connection with others.

Engaging in these hobbies serves as enjoyable diversions, helping me develop various skills and enabling me not only to endure, but excel in pharmacy school.

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Author: Dr Marie Sartain

Categories: Well-Being

Tags: Student Magazine

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