

Press Releases





Beyond the borders: Exploring international conferences as a student pharmacist

Author: Anonym

Attending conferences as a student pharmacist for the first time can be intimidating, so attending an international conference as a student pharmacist may seem nearly impossible. This year I have served as the national contact person on the APhA–ASP International Standing Committee (ISC). I truly want to demystify the idea of an international conference and all the logistics that are involved so that student pharmacists can feel more empowered and assured in approaching these opportunities.

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The “ins and outs” of self-care in pharmacy school

Author: Anonym

During pharmacy school, it is easy to get swept into coursework, extracurriculars, and working, which leads to students forgetting to take care of themselves. As a student pharmacist, I have discovered the significance of weaving wellness into my academic pursuits, recognizing that a healthy mind and body contribute not only to personal fulfillment, but also to academic success.

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Forging ahead: A journey of grit and determination

Author: Anonym

On August 1, 2021, fate took an unexpected turn when a truck ran a red light in front of me, stopping abruptly in the middle of the intersection. I tried to avoid a collision and managed to hit the bed of the truck instead of the cab, but by doing so I bore the brunt of the impact, fracturing the wrist of my dominant hand. Once I came out of shock, I realized the profound implications this injury would have on my life.

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Categories: Features

Tags: Student Magazine




Congratulations, you’ve matched! What now?

Author: Anonym

Congratulations, you’ve matched! It’s important to take some time to celebrate this success. After months of hard work, you’ve been matched with a residency program and are that much closer to graduating from pharmacy school. But what comes next?

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Categories: Career

Tags: Student Magazine




Journaling is my “me time” escape

Author: Anonym

As you know, pharmacy school is extremely demanding. You have to balance school, work, personal passions, and sleep while still finding time for friends, which can seem impossible.

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